Case Study Rose Legal: Setting the Bar on Lead Generation

About The Client

Rose Legal Services is a St. Louis criminal defense attorney led by attorney W. Scott Rose, who has more than 20 years of experience practicing law with a sole focus on criminal defense work. With a deep understanding of the St. Louis court system, judges, and laws, Rose works tirelessly to provide clients with the best criminal defense possible.

Client Challenge

Rose Legal Services came to Timmermann Group unsatisfied with the quality of leads being generated from the work done by a previous criminal defense marketing firm. They needed to reduce the number of unqualified leads coming in and increase the number of qualified leads, and they were looking to switch to an agency that wasn’t just all talk. That was our cue.

How TG Helped

We needed a comprehensive legal SEO strategy to correct and improve the efforts made by Rose Legal’s previous agency. In addition to the influx of unqualified leads, active efforts to improve the website’s rankings were also falling short, with the website ranking on the second or third search engine results pages. We needed to both shift the quality of leads and help improve organic search rankings.


When we began our SEO work for Rose Legal Services, we first recognized that we had to make some adjustments to both the website’s on-page SEO and the firm’s Google My Business profile in order to change the way the firm was displaying in search results. By doing this, we ensured that the firm no longer attracted the kind of unqualified leads it was previously fielding.

Site Migration

Timmermann Group suggested that the Rose Legal Services website be migrated from its current proprietary CMS to WordPress. Migrating the site from a closed-source, niche management system to one as widely used and recognized as WordPress would give the Rose Legal Services website an opportunity to build greater domain authority with search engines, which would be an additional boost to SEO efforts.

Blog Content

We then launched an ongoing effort to collaborate with the client to generate strategic blog content. This SEO blog content will not only help to continually improve the site’s rankings, but also provide valuable insight to prospective clients.

The Results

After we began working with Rose Legal Services on some initial fixes, the firm reported a record month of qualified phone calls and contact form submissions. In their words, the shift was akin to a “faucet being turned on.” In the months that followed, we were also able to improve the site’s rankings for a number of important service keywords, moving the site up from its previous third or second page rankings to the top few spots on the first page of Google results.

Key Takeaways

What makes SEO efforts and the Google rankings that they result in so valuable, is that they allow users that are ready to invest in your services easily find your website. This is why we strategically select keywords based on research into what your buyer is searching for and what keywords have the greatest revenue potential. When it’s easier to find your site, it will obviously experience more traffic, but what is particularly valuable is traffic from qualified users. This is demonstrated above by the increase in time that the average user spent on the site (session duration) meaning that the user was finding the website content useful and relevant. When users trust the validity of your website content, there is a strong chance that they will also trust your expertise to be the solution to their problem.

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I contacted Timmermann Group after I was disappointed in the results with my current marketing agency. I spoke with Rob Timmermann, President of Timmermann Group, liked what I heard from him, and signed up with them for SEO. Within one month of service, I immediately noticed a change in the quality of leads I was receiving. Within two months, my rankings started to increase. I now have several of my practice areas ranking #1 on Google, and the other remaining areas are steadily climbing. Timmermann Group listened to my goals and executed what they said they would do. I would recommend them to anyone who is looking for an SEO company.

- W. Scott Rose

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