Your roofing website needs to express what your roofing company is and why your services are second to none. It needs to not only draw leads in but inspire them to reach out and take advantage of your roofing services. It needs to look great and operate seamlessly no matter when or how it is accessed.

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Roofing Web Design Services


The goal of your roofing website should be pretty basic: generate leads! And you’re not going to get there without a specific roofing website design strategy. To get the results your roofing company needs to thrive, your roofing contractor website must have the right strategies laid out for the potential homeowner to find what they are looking for, and take action,

Information Architecture

Information architecture is the process of determining how information on your roofing website will be structured and housed. By knowing more about what your customers want in a website, you’ll be able to create a proper sitemap and strategies to get your clients (and potential customers) the information they need quickly so they can call your company or fill out your contact form.


Homeowners are looking for your company's roofing services right now, but unless your roofing site ranks high on the first page of Google, they won’t find it. And if your website was built without SEO for roofing in mind, it might be worth rebuilding it from the ground up with an SEO strategy.

Content Strategy

Deciding what goes on each page of your roofing company’s website might sound like a simple task, but there are a lot of factors to consider: user experience, lead generation, organic SEO, and more. If you’re not spending a good amount of time, research, and effort on your content strategy, you might as well be directing leads straight into the arms of competing roofers who already have.


Let your customers know what sets you apart through compelling and informative content. Copywriting communicates essential information about your roofing company and the services you provide. This is your chance to tell your story and connect with your customers.

UI/UX Design

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) are huge considerations to take, as they pertain to how users interact with your website. With good UX and UI design, users navigate your website with clear paths to convert.

Responsive Design

Your roofing website will be accessed from all types of devices--phones, tablets, desktops, laptops, etc. By implementing a responsive design, you’re ensuring that your site will look great and operate without issue, no matter how it is accessed.

Visual Design

Nothing is going to turn away a potential client faster than an ugly website. This is why we make visual design an integral part of the building process. If your website isn’t creating a great first impression, you risk losing even more clients.

Mobile-First Mindset

While your roofing website might look great on your desktop or laptop, remember that many of your clients will only ever see it from their mobile devices. So you need a roofing web design agency that will be just as focused on your roofing company’s mobile design.

Web Development

Web development can be a nebulous term, so we’ll crystalize it for you: We’re talking about full-stack development with a custom content management system. We ensure that your roofing company’s website looks good on the front and back end and that it’s updatable by you and your team.

Superior Performance

The finest strategy, user design, content, art direction, and development will do nothing for your roofing company’s website unless it’s performing just as you need it to and without interruption. In addition to a thorough Quality Assurance process during each step in our web design process, we test each site thoroughly for speed, accessibility, performance, and reliability.


To build a website that attracts leads and boosts sales, we must understand how users interact with the site. Analytics allows us a unique insight into the behaviors of your potential customers and is used throughout your digital strategy.

Results Monitoring

After designing a website to help your roofing company find and convert leads, it’s time to monitor the results of your website. It’s our goal to not only report on the results your roofing company’s new website is generating but also make proactive recommendations for ways to further capitalize on or amplify those results.

Support & Optimization

We know that things can come up after your roofing company’s website launch—copy changes or edits, new photos or blog posts, and updates to your CMS or plugin updates, just to name a few. That’s why we offer ongoing website support and optimization on all our web design projects after the website's launch. We intend to partner with you throughout the construction of your new website and well into the future.

Are We A Fit?

At Timmermann Group, we align with businesses who…

  • Value Continuous EvolutionLike us, you’re Always Growing and seeking the next level.
  • Appreciate Agile StrategiesYou need a partner who’s Strategic Yet Nimble. We pivot with purpose.
  • Seek Genuine PartnershipsWith our Partner-First Mindset, we prioritize your success above all.
  • Demand Prompt ActionYou act swiftly, and with our On the Ready approach, so do we.
  • Focus on Solutions, Not ProblemsWe’re Solution Oriented, turning challenges into opportunities.
  • Crave Authenticity (and a bit of fun)Be real, be Authentic A.F. (And Fun). We value genuine connections.
Give your roofing company the web design agency it deserves. Schedule a collaborative conversation with us today!

How to Find the Right Roofing Website Design Agency

Building a website for your roofing company is a major investment, and it’s important that you’re comfortable with the roofing marketing agency you pick to take on such a project. So how do you find the right team? Here are a few tips to help you find the perfect roofing website design agency.

Look for an agency that:

Acts as a partner to your roofing company:

Your roofing website design agency will guide and advise you throughout the planning, design, development, and launching stages. The right agency will encourage feedback throughout the process and won’t ever leave you or your team in the dark. It’s important to know what you want to achieve with your website and to find the team that can best help you reach these goals.

Doesn’t outsource their work:

When it comes to your roofing website design, you want all of the key players, well, under the same roof as it were. Partnering with an agency that’ll break up tasks and send them to independent vendors will only delay the process and cloud the lines of communication. This can spell disaster post-launch when the site needs support.

Follows best practices:

You’ll find no shortage of website design agencies who claim to “follow best practices,” but few can live up to it. When deciding between agencies, ask them to define the claim as it relates to their business. And any agency worth your time and resources should be able not only to explain their best practices policy but exemplify it throughout the process.

Approaches Design Strategically:

Nothing else matters if your website isn’t easy to navigate, operable, and consistently driving leads. You need to find an agency focused on not only the design but the development and integration of your site.

What you can do to prepare for your search:

Know Your Budget:

Websites come in all shapes and sizes (and price points). So you’ll want to come to the table with a general idea of what you want to spend to get the product you want. Remember, your website is going to be the central hub of your digital marketing efforts, and it’s not something you’ll want to cheapen in any way. This IS a worthwhile investment, so make sure your range is flexible and realistic enough to get you a quality product.

Look At Their Work:

Don’t be afraid to check out the sites they’ve already built. You’re not going to find one that is completely in line with what you want for your roofing site, but you’ll at least get a general idea of how this agency approaches website design and whether it’s what you need.

Read Their Reviews:

We can’t stress the importance of doing your research. See what other clients (roofing AND non-roofing) are saying. And while you’ll certainly want to see the reviews on the agency’s site, investigate Google reviews as well, as these tend to be more unfiltered and honest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are roofing websites so expensive?
A lot goes into building a roofing website, and a quality team will put forth the effort it takes to create a worthwhile product. Your goal should be to develop a site for your roofing company just as good, if not better, than your leading competitors. And to do this, you’ll need to make a financial investment compared to what they’ve already accomplished. While discount agencies might allure you with promises of a better website for a fraction of the price, it just doesn’t work like that. As with everything in this world, you get what you pay for.

How can you ensure you get a good ROI on your roofing company’s website?
It’s simple. If your site is doing what it should be, leads will be finding you and not the other way around. You need to find an agency that can build you a site to do just that. It wasn’t worth the investment if your site isn’t continuously generating leads and making your business money.

What is Roofing Website Design?

Roofing website design needs to be the cornerstone of your roofing company’s marketing efforts. If it isn’t, then it is time to begin planning and creating your new roofing website. It is no longer practical or feasible to build and sustain your business through referrals and word of mouth. The roofing industry is too competitive, and today’s consumers are too busy to expect people to automatically reach out to your roofing business when they need help. Much more likely, your best prospects are going online to conduct a search for roofing companies in their geographic area. Armed with this shortlist of firms to consider, they will visit each company’s website to learn more about the company and ascertain whether they seem competent, reliable, and trustworthy. If not, they will simply move on to the next company until they find someone that meets their approval. If you aren’t investing in your business by developing an industry-leading roofing website design, you risk becoming one of those overlooked roofing companies that never even get the opportunity to compete for the consumer’s business.
Your roofing website design project should begin by establishing specific goals that you hope to achieve. These goals could include percentage growth in qualified leads, a particular annual revenue goal, and growth in new subscribers to your company email newsletter. Having measurable goals provides structure to your roofing website design and identifies benchmarks for measuring success. Then, having established business goals and objectives for your company, your roofing website must include content created to help you achieve them. Content marketing is crucially important and has special significance for the roofing industry. The reason is that content marketing helps your business engage with customers at all stages of the sales decision-making funnel, from awareness at the top of the funnel through consideration and ultimately down to purchase decisions at the bottom of the funnel. You will want to ensure that you are creating content for your roofing website design for people throughout the funnel. For example, you might create a blog post that offers new homeowners tips and insights about what to look for when inspecting the roof of a home they are considering purchasing. This informative content may not result in a new customer for your business, at least not right away, but by providing valuable content, you are building brand awareness and trust with this consumer, who may later contact you to replace the roof of the home they purchased. You might also create a video demonstrating the hail storm’s effects and why homeowners must have a professional roofing company assess the damage. This type of content would be geared more directly toward people at the bottom of the funnel whose home was just impacted by a recent storm and who needs to consult with a roofer immediately. This type of content should include a call-to-action to call now, or complete a short contact form, to capture this lead for your sales team to follow up with.
Search engine optimization must also be part of your roofing website design project. Because many users search online for qualified roofing companies when they need help, you must ensure that your company appears high in the search engine results pages for relevant keyword phrases. Especially because the roofing industry is highly competitive, this needs to be a key focus of your roofing website efforts. Partnering with a qualified digital marketing agency specializing in SEO for roofers will help ensure that your website focuses on the correct keyword phrases and is built in such a way that it will rank.
Ensure that your roofing website design is responsive, meaning that your site will display properly on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. Remember that many of your best prospects will not be viewing your site from a desktop or laptop computer, so your website must function on all devices, or you will likely lose that prospect to a competitor. Your agency partner should design your roofing website to create a seamless user experience on all devices. Your website should also be scalable to grow along with your company. Make sure you speak with your marketing agency about your company’s plans for the future so that the roofing website design can account for them.
Lead generation in the roofing industry is very important but can also be costly. So it is equally important that your roofing website design is set up in such a way that you can track and measure important data points. Your digital marketing agency partner should be able to set up a comprehensive marketing analytics campaign for you and also analyze and interpret the raw data into actionable marketing insights that help you optimize your future marketing efforts so that you are continually improving your roofing marketing tactics and messaging to achieve your business goals and provide profitability and return on your investment.